
Forking react-native-boring-avatars

Why the fork?

The original library, react-native-boring-avatars, worked great at first. If you didn't know SVGs are not natively supported in React Native. You end up needing a library called react-native-svg. Due to a quirk in how that depenedency works, it caused major pixellization when creating avatars that are larger than average.

Here you can see an example:

Example of pixellated output from Mealection using old library.

What is causing this?

It turns out that react-native-svg needs to rasterize the SVG image before it renders it out to a standard React Native Image component. Boring Avatars, even the original React version, uses a smallish viewBox value and then relies upon upscaling SVGs. In a browser this works fine, since they stay SVG the whole time. In React Native, this is an issue because the Image view gets resized after react-native-svg has done its rasterization step.

How did we fix it?

Fixing it involved using the width value passed into Boring Avatars as the viewBox size instead of the "magic numbers" that exist in the original code. To make that work properly, it involved a fair bit of trial and error while seeing which other magic numbers in the SVG code needed to be scaled based on a width prop. So, we got to do lot's of fun fiddly math.

The end result works great though:

Example of clean output from Mealection using new library. No Pixellation is immediately obvious.

Wrapping up

We ended releasing our fork since we had to change so much of the original code. You can get it here: We hoped you like reading this and if you want to see fork in action, sign up for the app from the home page.

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